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LNA Athletics

Competing with Uncompromising Character & Integrity

At North Academy,  our goal is to develop scholar-athletes in body, mind, and spirit who commit to their teams, act with integrity, and compete with sportsmanship, character, and pride

Expectations of the Lion Athlete

  1. Glorify God with your abilities in both practices and games.
  2. Get a quality education.
  3. Be totally honest in all dealings.
  4. Pass every class (giving his/her best in doing so).
  5. Give unselfish love and respect to teammates.
  6.  Love and respect him/herself.
  7. Be extremely loyal to your school, administration, teammates, coaches, families and friends.
  8. Never take an opportunity to criticize, nor pass up an opportunity to praise.
  9. Be part of a great school and a great athletic program.
  10. Conduct him/herself as young Christian ladies or men of character at all time. Remember, you represent yourself, your family, your school and your beliefs at all times and in all places.

kid doing high jump
Contact Us

We're happy to answer any questions you may have!

Steve Zehnder
Activities & Facilities Director   |   713.880.3131